illegal drug trafficking中文什么意思

发音:   用"illegal drug trafficking"造句
  • illegal:    adj. 不法的,非法的。 an i ...
  • drug:    n. 1.药,药品,药物,药剂。 2 ...
  • traffic:    n. 1.交通,(人、车、船、飞机的 ...
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  1. Illegal drugs trafficking is a major problem suffered by countries in the middle east specially those like bahrain , dubai , saudia arabia , oman and qatar , whose borders are vastly exposed to sea shores
  2. While the correct answer rates for the harm of drug abuse and correct attitude rates towards ban on drug use were rather high , there were still a considerable proportion of students did not consider it necessary to be far away from illegal drug , did not hate the illegal drug traders , did not regard illegal drug traffic as a crime , dared not to expose illegal drug trader , even had had drug themselves
    对毒品危害答对率及对禁毒态度回答正确率虽不低,但深入分析仍有3 . 09 %没有认识到必须远离毒品, 2 . 18 %不认为贩毒是犯罪行为, 4 . 43 %对毒贩不憎恨, 10 . 13 %不敢举报贩毒者, 6 . 07 %对偷种罂栗犯法缺乏认识,有2名学生服过“冰毒” , 7名学生曾被朋友劝说吸毒。


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